Most Effective baby Strollers for Your baby

The stroller is one of our first purchases when we know we are expecting a baby. Indeed swing and bouncer combo, this object which seems harmless is essential for us to move with baby. Whether it’s to walk in the countryside, go shopping or drop off your child on foot to the nanny, we need a stroller! But which stroller to choose, which is adapted to our needs and those of our baby? Follow the leader in Baby stroller.

A stroller, you have to choose it: it will follow you for several months or years, and your baby will spend some time. So, how do you make your choice when faced with the multitude of strollers that are flooding the market? Which stroller to choose according to the age of my child? Are strollers for the city and those for the countryside the same? Below, our answers to all your questions!

12 Best Strollers of 2021

The 3 models of combined strollers

1 – The stroller 2 in 1:

How consists stroller 2 in 1? This type of stroller is made of a cot, also called a pram, and a hammock facing the road. The hammock is the intermediary between the pram, and the cane stroller baby journey blog, more suitable for older children (see below). The advantage of this type of stroller is that it will accompany you during part of your baby’s growth. Indeed, after his birth, and during the first months of his life, your baby needs many hours of sleep (between 18 and 20 hours per day); the pram is therefore perfectly adapted! Placed in a lying position, baby can sleep peacefully, while you go for a walk or do your shopping.

Then, once the baby can sit up and is a little more awake (around 6 months), you can place him in the hammock, facing the road.

2- The 3 in 1

Stroller: The 3 in 1 stroller strongly resembles the 2 in 1: it has a pram and a hammock, and is also composed of a shell seat. The shell seat can be used on the stroller, but also in the car. It belongs to category 0+.

The advantage of having a stroller equipped with a shell seat is that you can move baby from the car to the stroller in the wake up! Be careful, however, not to overuse the shell seat. Indeed, after his birth and during the first months of his life, the spine of your baby must be spared with precaution. The semi-lying position of the shell seat does not promote its proper development, unlike the lying position.

Small drawback of the 3 in 1 stroller: its price is higher than a conventional stroller. However, over time, it turns out to be more economical, because you optimize your expenses in a single investment. On the other hand, the 3 in 1 stroller is bulky: therefore to be avoided if you do not have room at home to store it.

12 Best Baby Strollers 2020 - Top Rated Stroller Reviews

The American


Stroller the American stroller is the meeting between a carrycot and a classic stroller. Indeed, the carrycot is pivoting so as to transform into a stroller unit. This type of stroller has several advantages. First, its backrest is extendable, so your baby is always comfortably installed.